Juice and Wine

Juices extracted from ripe fruit contain a significant amount of pectin.  Pectin imparts a cloudy appearance to the juice and results in an appearance and mouth-feel that many consumers do not find appealing. The enzymes poly-galacturonase and pectinesterase increase juice yield and improve efficiency.  Pectinases are naturally occurring enzymes that act on pectin yielding a crystal clear juice with the appearance, stability, mouth-feel, taste, and texture characteristics preferred by consumers.  While pectinases naturally occur in most fruits used to make juice, the manufacturer often adds more to produce clear juice and to keep it from jellifying.

The use of enzymes in juice processing helps assure that the maximum amount of juice is removed from the fruit, thereby reducing waste and controlling costs. Consumer will benefit with aesthetically pleasing, clear, sediment-free juices from many varieties of fruit.  

Enzymes may also be added to wines to help them maintaintheir colour and clarity, and to enhance the aroma during the ageing process.


a glass of wine
glass of juice